Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A moment to come clean...

My dear followers, or rather... my two dear friends who follow me (and you know who you are) I feel like I have to "come out" and admit this. I don't believe in God. More specifically, I do not believe his existence is scientifically plausible. I know you're very religious, and I respect that. All I ask is that you accept me and respect my own beliefs. 
At what point did you know you were an atheist? Why did you become one, what were the factors leading up to the decision, if you weren’t always one?
I grew up with very little religious influence. My father identifies as a “born again” Christian, as do his parents—though they ACT evangelical—but my mother was unaffiliated. She went through a lot of verbal abuse by my grandfather when she got engaged to my father (he locked her in a room for 2h and preached at her as to why “man is head of the house” and why she was wrong for thinking a marriage was an equal partnership) and I don’t think she wanted that kind of negativity in mine or my sister’s life. We went to church a little—hard when both parents work demanding jobs—and we knew the basic Bible stories. 

I never saw religion as important or relevant in my life. That changed when my grandfather moved to North Carolina and lived with us for 3-4 months (during this time he was diagnosed with mulitple myeloma and they were house-hunting). He had not mellowed out as he got older. I resented him for how he treated my mother and how they never considered my father’s feelings but I never really thought about religion until one key moment:

It was 7 in the morning and I was eating breakfast as I got my things together to catch the bus. My grandfather came into the kitchen and suddenly asked me—no, he demanded of me “What is more important? Jesus, your friends or your education?” I was caught off-guard. I hardly ever thought about Jesus, so I told him education always came first, then friends and Jesus last. He looked at me like I was some misguided child and shook his head at me. I immediately left to avoid a lecture. That got the ball rolling on truly questioning Christianity.

I questioned everything. I scrutinized it and I tried to make sense of it. I knew I was agnostic (there is no way to know for sure) but I wanted so, so badly to believe in god. I struggled with it and sort of tried to believe in the Abrahamic God (the one behind Islam, Judaism, and Christianity) and I sort of ran with that from freshman year of college until, well, quite recently.

After a bit of “soul” searching I have come to a realization. I cannot find it within myself to believe in a god. I just can’t. There is no evidence to support that such a being exists. There is nothing within me that can feel the slightest bit of faith for a god.

Of course, I do not know for certain—so I am still agnostic. However, on Dawkin’s scale of disbelief I am between a 5 or a 6. 

I identify as an agnostic atheist, my sister knows. My mother, I think, knows. My father is clueless. My grandparents may have their doubts. I’m probably going to out myself this Christmas because I asked my fiance (wonderful man that he is) to get me The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins—among others. 
What religion did you grow up with? Did you have positive or negative experiences with religion?

Like I said in the previous question, I grew up in a Christian household but it wasn’t terribly important until later in my life. 

Are you a more outspoken or more apathetic atheist? Why?

I am outspoken online, but reserved offline. My father’s family would make my life miserable and try to convert me. I will be loud when I am offended, though but that is because I lack tact and cannot deal with intolerance. 

Do you think religion is obsolete and should be wiped completely off the face of the Earth, or does some good come out of it? 

No, I think it’s important to understand history because it played such a huge role in everything in the past but I don’t think it ought to be relevant today. I think of it the way most think of the Greek mythology and whatnot—it’s a myth, teach it as such. Humans do not need it as a moral compass because we can abide by a perfectly reasonable secular one: The Golden Rule. See? No god(s) needed to know to not be an asshole. 

Did you lose any friends because you decided to be an atheist? Did your family flip out?

I am very fortunate that I have not. My friends are wonderful, beautiful people and accept me no matter how I affiliate myself. My father’s family may be a different story once I unwrap my new books this Christmas. There will be updates.

How do you feel about so-called “militant atheists” such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris?

I respect them for being so opinionated. I think it’s brave of them to stand up the way they do and promote rational thought. I personally think they want to make the world a better place, but I understand why someone wouldn’t appreciate what they are trying to do because they are SO outspoken and religious people take it very personally. 

Except for God, do you believe in anything supernatural or pseudoscientific? (Ghosts, alien abductions, spirits, souls, demons, psychics, magic, Harry Potter, etc.) 

Nah. I’d love to believe in ghosts, but I think they’re a product of a paranoid mind and atmospheric conditions (and sometimes man-made ones). I do think that aliens exist—the universe is so vast and so unexplored… how could they NOT exist? It’s almost arrogant to say that they do not. 
  What’s your political alignment? Does your atheism influence how you vote and how you feel on issues? 

I’m fairly liberal, though I do not align myself as either Democrat or Republican. I want there to be complete separation of church and state and I very strongly oppose the Religious Right. 

Even though you’re an atheist, have you ever experienced a moment that could be called “religious?” Like an epiphany about the world or complete peace?

My epiphany was realizing I don’t believe in god. I have had complete peace, but it was not because of anything spiritual or religious. 

Are you spiritual, or are your feet always on the ground? 

Feet firmly on the ground.

Do you have/plan on having a career in the sciences? Alternatively: which branch of science intrigues you most?

Absolutely! I am currently a Clinical Laboratory Scientist. Obviously, I am most intrigued in medical sciences. 

What happens when we die? Do you fear death?

No. I can’t imagine living forever in any shape or form. Life is hard enough, but having to do it again, forever? I’d rather not. My mind cannot comprehend it. It’s more comforting to simply cease to exist. My “essence” being put back into the universe.

No pain, no suffering, just nothing. Truly the end.

Would you ever date/marry somebody who follows a religion? Be honest.

I’m sure I could, though I am not going to. My fiance is a true agnostic.

On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with life at this moment, and why?

7 or 8. I’m engaged to a wonderful man, I have received so much positive support from my friends, I’m in college and I will graduate with little/no debt, I’m pursuing a career that I’ll love. It’s not a 9 because my family is having personal issues (related to my grandfather) and my major is REALLY, REALLY difficult. Like, enough to make me cry on a semi-regular basis. 

Recommend a book. 

Anything by Ellen Hopkins (not related to atheism but she’s my favorite author).

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