Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Moments that change your whole life...

Hello dear readers, I'm sorry for my radio silence as of late. Life has been happening and things like social networking have been falling on the back burners.

Here's what's been up: I had a major fiasco with the bank last week. I went to deposit some money into my savings account and the teller said the account didn't exist. I was, obviously, confused and asked her to double check because a year ago I had put $270 into my savings account. She did and said there was no account and no $270. My father took off of work and came to the bank where we spoke to a manager about what happened to my account and, more importantly, my money. She and her own manager did some research and discovered that my account had been deactivated 2 months after my deposit for inactivity... and worse, that the deposit had never been registered.

I, in my ignorance, had shredded the original receipt of the deposit... so I had no way of tracking where my money had gone. I called the bank where I made the original deposit and they couldn't find it. They offered to turn it over to their research department but that would cost $25 an hour and I might end up owing more than I lost.

So, basically, I lost $270 due to a teller's mistake and my own stupidity. I learned my lesson, though. Always, always keep bank receipts. I made a new savings account and I'm slowly rebuilding my nest egg.

The worst thing, though... the worst thing is that on Sunday my father got in a wreck. He was exhausted from getting hardly any sleep, working, stress, and the heat of the day... and on his way home fell asleep at the wheel--for just a second, and a second is all it takes--and crashed into a concrete enforced telephone pole. His truck was totaled and he spent a night in the hospital with a concussion, bruised lungs, stitches in his lip and elbow, and other contusions.

He's recovering at home now. He's very sore and has a hard time moving around (he hurt his bad knee and his driving leg is messed up, too) and can't catch his breath because of the bruises to his lungs and diaphragm. Luckily he has no broken bones and no major internal trauma. *SEE EDIT.

God was with him that day. It could have been so much worse. I saw photos of the truck and honestly... honestly it looks like it could have killed him. The insurance agent thought he died when she came to claim the truck and saw the damage. He's so fortunate to be alive and relatively okay.

So... that's what's been taking up my time and my energy as of late. I work a lot (well, maybe not this week since I'm going to be helping mom out at home) so I never know when I'll be updating but never fear, dear readers, I'm still here.

EDIT:// 02 JUNE:

Pardon my language, but how in the FLYING FUCK does someone miss a GOD DAMN CRACKED STERNUM on a chest x-ray?! WHAT THE FUCK. The ED doctors missed it on Sunday. HOW DO THEY MISS IT? The x-ray technician took a follow-up x-ray today and basically said "Yeah, he has a cracked sternum, any idiot could see that" and then said "I've never seen this injury on a living person before."

Yeah. The doctors missed something that a professional x-ray person ONLY EVER SEES ON DEAD PEOPLE BECAUSE IT KILLED THEM. Ugh. They can't do anything about it, either, because of the risk to his already damaged lungs. Their solution is to just have Dad take it easy for 6-8 weeks and come in for regular follow-up x-rays.

I'm still baffled as to how they missed it.

My father is very, very lucky to be alive.

And now for a religious lesson taken from the author's comments of this deviation (http://nayzak.deviantart.com/art/I-love-Jesus-pbuh-211180882) because he says it best himself:

"Assalaamu alaikum[Peace be to you],

I saw one Photo of an Islamic T-shirt of Jesus -peace be upon him- and it gave me the idea to make this drawing. and explain a little (to non-Muslims and especially Christians) how we view Jesus -peace be upon him- in Islam

Position of Jesus -peace be upon him- in Islam:

*Jesus is called Isaa عيسى -peace be upon him- in Arabic.

*Islam is the only non-Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus -peace be upon him-. No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus -peace be upon him-.

*Muslims believe that he was one of the mightiest Messengers of Allah (God).

*Muslims believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention, which many modern day Christians do not believe (not all christians. but many)...

*Muslims believe he was the Messiah (translated Christ). in Arabic Massih.

*Muslims believe that he gave life to the dead with God’s permission.

*Muslims believe that he healed those born blind, and the lepers with God’s permission.

*One may wonder to know that Jesus -peace be upon him- is mentioned 25 times by name in the holy Qur’an while Prophet Mohammed -peace be upon him- is mentioned only 5 times.

*Even The Qur’an has a whole Chapter named ‘Maryam’ (Mary) in respect of The Mother of Jesus -peace be upon them both-. No other chapter in Qur’an has been named on a woman (even prophet Mohammed's mother, wives or daughters!). This respect given to Mary is not even found in the Christian Bible (no book in the Bible is named after Mary). Mary, the mother of Jesus, is mentioned more in the Qur'an than in the entire New Testament.

*the Qur'an tells us that Mary, the mother of Jesus -peace be upon them both- is the greatest woman who ever lived. she is chosen above the women of all nations.

*Muslims believe in the second coming of Jesus -peace be upon him- and that he will fill the world with justice and goodness.

I hope that was beneficial,

I love Jesus (peace be upon him)

Wassalaamu alaikum"

Stay safe,

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