Thursday, June 30, 2011

Moments that make me so, so angry

I hate my extended family. I do. I'm so angry at them so much that I want to cry right now. It's 10 in the morning. My stupid, inconsiderate grandparents are on their way over to see my father who just got home from the hospital last night. They had the audacity to call at 9am, when I had JUST gotten home, when mom and my sister weren't even home, to say they were coming over. How dare they. He shouldn't even be AWAKE, much less bombarded with visitors this early.

I hate them so much. They're so fucking inconsiderate to our family's problems. If they gave even one iota of a fuck about my father's health they would let him have some peace. He hasn't even been home for 12 hours yet.

I wish they had never moved here. They never think about my dad or even the rest of our family. They never help us out, they only add to the stress that we're going through.


Friend: Not to defend them or anything, but you do have to remember that he's your dad--but he's also their son. Perhaps they were just as worried about him as you were, and they just show it this way? Not saying it's appropriate by any stretch of the means to just show up like but there's two sides to every story, you know? Then again if they didn't visit him in the hospital but suddenly want to OMGBEOVERFOREVER all of the sudden when he's at home then that's another story entirely...


Me: I know, but the thing is when they visit they don't do anything to help. At least Brian (his bro) helped with the yard work and offers to help us out with anything else--even if we refuse he at least throws it out there. My grandparents come over and expect to be waited on. They don't offer to help, don't offer to get us dinner or help cook, don't offer to drive him to doctor appointments when mom is working and I have to miss class, don't offer to come over and keep dad company in the mornings when mom's at work and Jess + I are in class. They don't help at all.

When he was in the hospital my granddad would sit in a chair and pout because all of our attention was on Dad. He wouldn't talk to anyone and he'd bitch about how hungry he was and when they were going to leave, or he'd just fall asleep.

It isn't even just now--it's every time our family has had an emergency. When my mom had her hysterectomy (I was in high school at the time and had to stay late at clinics during my rotations) my grandparents came over and still expected her to cook dinner for them. When Nana had cancer (and then when she passed) all grandpa did was try to say how much worse he had it than Nana and try to take the sympathy away from Mom and put it onto him.

I know he's their son and all but they don't even try to help us out or help him out.

Sorry for the rant.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Moments spent beside my father's hospital bed

Sorry for the radio silence. Things have been busy.

Life's been crazy. Again.

Last Thursday, my dad sneezed. For a normal, healthy person this is not a bad thing (usually) but my father had been in a wreck and fractured his sternum so this sneeze was catastrophic. He felt his sternum "pop" but, being the man he is, shrugged it off and continued as normal as possible. Well, literally 7 days later he was still feeling awful and went in for a CT scan.

At 5:30pm he got a call at work from the radiologist and told him that he needed to go to the ED stat. He drove to the hospital on base where ED docs were waiting for him with a crash cart. For those who don't know, a crash cart is for when a patient goes into cardiac arrest. They immediately ambulanced him over to CFV Hospital where he was put into the ICU.

Why all the panic? He had fluid built up in his pericardium. That's the membrane sac around his heart and if fluid is in there then his heart can't beat... and well, if your heart can't beat then you die.

A day ago he had surgery to insert a tube into the pericardium to drain the fluid. During the surgery the doctors drained 1.5 liters of fluid from around his heart and since then 800 more milliliters have drained out. That was 2.3 liters of fluid around his heart. He could have gone into cardiac arrest at any second.

Luckily, he's doing better today. The draining has slowed down and they've switched him from a morphine drip to taking percocet by mouth. He had a fever the other night but they've since put him on antibiotics. I suppose the fever may be the result of having a huge incision and a tube in his chest, but I'm no professional.

The "pop" he felt when he sneezed was his fractured sternum breaking and overlapping in his chest but the docs won't mess with it until his heart is better. They're gonna wait about 3 weeks and see if they need to open him up, rebreak his sternum and stick a metal plate in there so it'll stay still and heal properly.

He should be coming home on Tuesday as long as there are no complications.

On an entirely different note, I've got a new superhero/masked vigilante obsession. Deadpool. He's basically hilarious and makes me want to buy MvC 3 just so I can play him.

Please, dear readers, stay safe. I don't want to have to see any more of my loved ones in the hospital.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Jealous Moments

Who am I? I'm a part time nanny and philosophy tutor. I'm a student and car on-call for my father.

I'm not a bridesmaid, though. One of my best friends is getting married tomorrow... and I was supposed to be in the bridal party... but I can't go. I can't be a part of her special day. Instead of watching my friend get married to the love of her life, I'm going to be watching an 11 month old baby and helping her mother write a philosophy paper.

I can't go, but the one person who I would be happy to never see again can. She can be there for our mutual friend in a way I can't. They'll be having fun and making memories to last a lifetime... and I'll be nursing a headache and trying to keep a baby entertained from noon til 8 at night (if not later).

Yeah, I'm jealous...I'm big enough to admit it. But as long as the wedding is beautiful and she's happy I think I'll be okay. I want her to have her fairytale even if I can't be a part of it.

Monday, June 06, 2011

A moment to update you all and another moment to stop and think

Hello dear readers. Life's been pretty eventful--as always--but I feel like it's slowly winding down and returning to a sense of normalcy. Or at least as close to normal as possible.

I was off work this weekend because my boss had pink-eye (ew) and I'm not resuming work until she's better. I love getting paid, but not enough to risk my health. I felt a bit bad because I know she needs my help but oh well. I enjoyed sleeping in :lol: and Dad is much easier to take care of than a baby.

Speaking of my dad, he's doing better. Mom drove him to work this morning and I picked him up in the evening. He can do a desk job, even though I think he ought to work half days, but he can't drive yet. He's obviously still sore but he's been pushing through. He isn't the kind of person that can take it easy at home, he gets restless really easily.

My sister has a new boyfriend--Jon, which is hilarious--and John is going to be visiting me from 22 July til 31 July, which is exciting. We're hoping we can go to the coast and spend a few days there with my family. After that, in August, one of my best friends is having her wedding reception in my state so I'll be able to see her again and meet her man. So, a lot of really fun stuff is coming up.

For every good thing, there's a bad thing and my father's younger brother is getting a divorce. The short version is that they moved here from California and she has been depressed. It's the first time she's been away from her grown kids and her grandchildren (she's like 50) and I guess she just couldn't handle it. The thing is, though, that her children are adults, and they're completely disrespectful. She has a restraining order against her son, they've stolen thousands of dollars from her, she can't stand to be around her daughter for more than two weeks and yet she cries and whines all the time how much she misses them. So she's leaving her husband and new home here to go back to her dysfunctional family in a state she can't afford to live in anymore. I cannot understand her way of thinking.

Blah, family drama, on to theological discussion topics: I've got some questions for Christians that will hopefully lead to healthy debate about their theology.

First off, entry into heaven. The bible states that Jesus is the only gate with which to enter heaven (I'm paraphrasing here). So, my question is, what happens to those who don't even know of the existance of this man Jesus, or of Christianity? Say, people living in northern Asia or southern Africa, or even the native people of the Americas pre-1700s? Are they sent to hell eternally for not believe in a man they know nothing of? Or is there some other place for people in this situation? What about people who lived before Jesus was even born? Where did they go?

In a similar vein, what is a sinner? Let's take a look back to those who know nothing of Christianity, in my limited experience, sin is going against the known will of God. So, if one does not know the will of God (aboriginals in Americas, Australia, etc), could they be considered a sinner? If not, once again, where do these people go? Surely someone who is sinless does deserve to enter heaven, even if they don't know of the man Jesus or his father.

What about those who are aware of Christianity and it's tenents, but reject them? Even if they are some of the best people in the world (ex: Ghandi), if they reject the Christian God, is that enough of a sin that they are also cast into the fires of hell? How is this a fair and just God?

And finally, how is it that evolution cannot fit into the worldview of Christianity? It seems to me that an intelligent designer would design so that his creation would become greater over time. I know Genesis does say that all was created at once, and supposedly, since it is the Bible, it is the truth, as the Bible is the word of God, but remember, the infallible word was dictated to fallible humans, so it is not to say mistakes were not made. As well, God may have handed it to these writers in a manner which they could more easily understand. Saying "All life was made at once" is much easier than explaining the entire process of all animals descending from one or several early organisms through branching change, especially to early man. From a technical standpoint, all life WAS made at once if you see it from an evolutionary standpoint, it just changed from there. An early Jew (not Christians at that point) who was writing this would have assumed God meant all the diverse life was made at once.

Who's to say what kind of world existed outside the Garden of Eden? Is it not possible that the world was changing and species were evolving outside the Garden--as we have no sense of how time passed within it. It says in a passage of the Bible that a day to God is like a thousand years to us so we do not know if the world was created in 7 days to man or to God (and how long those 7 days were to God anyway).

Just some things I've been contemplating. I figured it'd be a nice change of pace from the usual "lessons".