Monday, April 04, 2011

Intolerable Moments

If there is one thing I cannot abide by, it is intolerance. Today, in my music class a girl refused to take notes because we were learning about "terrorist music." In my music appreciation class we are covering world music--the Middle East is a part of the world, too. It isn`t terrorist music just because it comes from the Middle East or because it is Muslim. Her attitude was completely appalling.

In sociology we were taking about social responsibility and race(ism). There were many dubious looks when the professor said race was socially constructed--and even arbitrary. People back in the day decided that anyone who was not European (read: British, or sometimes French) was a second-class citizen. This included not just African Americans, but also Germans and the Irish. She also said that people of Indian descent considered themselves as "white"... until they come to the U.S. where they are considered people of "color".

Hatred and intolerance isn`t just toward blacks/brown people and whites or Christians and Muslims/everybody else, it`s also--apparently-- gays vs straights. I just cannot understand why people invest so much energy in disliking and stereotyping and entire group of people (usually based on a rather loud minority). What does it matter? Is it hurting you? No.

I wrote a letter to the editor of the university newspaper in response to two things: one, a letter to the editor published in the paper about how my university has a "gay/liberal agenda." Two, a letter written by a particularly self-righteous LGBT activist.

Dear Editor,

I don`t understand all of the hatred that is stemming from the response to GLBTSU in the newspaper. What does it matter what someone does in their free time with their genitals? Last time I checked, someone`s sexuality does not define them as a person. The only time someone`s sexuality should matter is when you want to have sex with that person.

The people who oppose the LGBT and the LGBT community need to come to an agreement. That agreement being: I understand that you are different from me, and I do not agree with it, but I also understand that your choice of partner doesn`t make you a bad person. In short, that despite having different views on relationships, they can tolerate each other.

I think that`s what [university] is trying to do--promote a message of tolerance. A message that is lost on some due to their homophobia and/or general disagreement of LGBT lifestyles. I think that message is also lost on some people due to their somewhat overzealous support of the LGBT community.

I think, as a community, we at [university] need to show that we are tolerant of everyone--no matter their race, creed, or sexuality.

Personally, I`m sick of hearing people spew hatred against the GLBTSU. I`m also sick of hearing people spew hatred against people who disagree with the LGBT lifestyles. The world is not simply divided into "gay" or "straight".

I say drop the labels, lose the attitude and realize that the people you`re having problems with are still PEOPLE and deserve respect.

xo- Jane Doe

TL;DR? People can have different opinions/lifestyles/religions/whatever and you don`t have to be a dick about it. You need to accept that the world is full of people who are different than you. You don`t have to like them, or even agree with them... but please, be civil to one another.

Stay safe,


  1. That girl is no pretty uneducated. In the middle east terrorist are the minority not the majority. Labling their music as such should her lack of knowledge of things outside the state. I pity her.

  2. I didn`t even know how to respond to that comment. I was just shocked that people could think like that. I wouldn`t be surprised if she stared at the girls on campus who wear a (sp?)hajib :/
