Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Our society, our culture, sometimes makes me physically ill. More so after reading this deviantART journal

She is right, frighteningly so. We, as a society, do not teach our sons It is wrong to rape someone. It is wrong to take advantage of someone because of how he or she is dressed or acts. It is wrong, and you will be punished severely. Instead, we teach our daughters to "not get raped." As if she had a choice.

It`s disgusting. It makes me want to cry, for more reasons than I care to disclose.

I take some solace in the fact that I am not the only one horrified by this "rape culture" of ours. This one made me cry especially. Why? Because it is all true, and that is not how it should be.

This is what our justice system, and our society does to rape victims. They call them sluts, say they were asking for it, blame her. They place the burden of proof upon the victim, the one who was violated, and while doing so shame her. Discredit her.

They do not question the perpetrator so vigorously. They require that he proves HER guilt, rather than proving HIS innocence. He does not get shamed, or insulted, or mistreated as the victim does.

I feel like I might vomit. I swear, when I become a mother, that if I have sons I will teach them that rape is WRONG.

A woman should be able to run naked through the streets without fear of being assaulted. She should never, ever be blamed or put through such injustices.

Stay safe, readers, and spread the word: End victim blaming.


  1. Wow :( that broke my heart. I couldn't read all of it because I know it would set me off into a angry rage I couldn't even finish the 1st with out getting mad!
    I heard on the radio that 65% of boys (I forgot where this servay was done) said that it was "ok to force a girl to have sex with them if they'd been dating for 6 months" yeah adults are raising there kids to be worse off than they are.

  2. I know. I felt like I was going to be ill after reading all of that. Our justice system.. things like this make me lose faith in it.

    That... That is truly appalling. I swear, my sons will never think that way. I honestly think that statistic scares me the most.
