Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Faithful Moments

I stood at the entrance of the church, feeling a little lost... a little unsure. I am the kind of person that people protest about, the kind of person who they feel is killing America. I am the kind of person who they would whisper about. I am the the agnostic.

They call me ignorant. They call me indecisive. They call me heathen.

They do not know that I quietly listen to Christian music, that I like to talk to their clergy, that more than once I contemplated minoring in the study Abrahamic religions. They do not know that I anticipate my religion class nearly as much as I anticipate lab. They do not know of my burning desire to learn, to understand, to know.

They do not care.

Many of them couldn`t tell you the difference between agnostic and atheist. They think that when I say I believe in God, that I believe in "their" God... when really, I do not think there is a "Muslim God" and a "Jewish God" and a "Christian God". In my mind and heart they are all the same. Moses, Jesus and Mohammed all had a special relationship with him. He appears as people need him to.

I am an agnostic theist. I believe that the Qur'an, the Torah and the New Testament are all parts of one big story. I believe that Abraham, and God, loved Isaac and Ishmael equally. I rejoice in the fact that they were both beloved. That we are all beloved.

I believe that we are more similar than we are different.

I do not adorn myself with any religious symbols. If I were to, I would have a single necklace with a cross, a Star of David, and a crescent moon + star a pendant with "God" written in Arabic calligraphy (as the crescent moon + star are not, in fact, associated with Islam itself).

Three faiths.

One God.

Stay safe,

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lonely Moments

There are times when it`s late at night and I can`t sleep and I just hurt. It isn`t a gentle ache like poets would lead you to believe, but not a soul-wrenching tear like songwriters might say... it`s a constant pressure on my heart. It never gets any better, and sometimes I`m too busy to feel it, but at times like this it just feels so heavy.

There`s a loneliness that permeates the air and it sits on my bones and settles in my head. It makes me feel old, worn out, tired. Oh so tired, but I find it impossible to sleep. I`m restless but listless as I look at the screen with his beautiful face so deceptively close to me. It`s as if I could reach out and touch him... yet I can`t. It makes me want to cry... and sometimes I do. I miss him like hell.

I`m not one of those girls that can`t function without her man, but I won`t lie and say that having him so far away makes life any easier. I won`t say it doesn`t affect me.

It`s times like this when I reach back into my mind and remember the times that he was beside me, in my arms... when I was pressed against him in pure bliss. My body craves his touch, my heart yearns for his presence. My hands feel limp, useless, empty. Most of me feels that way, to be honest.

Honestly this is a little bit of why I play the ARG`s. It`s a kind of escapism. No room to be lonesome or heartbroken when I`m knee-deep in mysteries, codes, and scared witless.

Stay safe,

Thoughtful Moments

So I`m in Sociology, and I really like it despite the fact that it`s at 9:00 in the morning and way far away from my warm, comfortable room.

Well, on Friday and today we were discussing gender and gender roles. Since then, I`ve noticed some stuff. Girls and boys, even when they`re very young have a pretty clear idea of gender roles. Thinking back to my baby-sitting days, I remembered that the boys I babysat would often tell me to sit out of certain activities because I was a girl (ex: No, you can`t play guns with us Miss [insert my name here]! You`re a girl.").

On tv, you see kids` toy commercials and girl toys are advertised as being magical and sparkling (even if you know for a fact that the thing needs 2 double A batteries and you probably won`t have them) while boy toys are advertised as being electric, or having some motor. No magic and fairies for boys, no mention of batteries or motors for girls. Why is that? It`s as if ad people think girls are stupid or something.

Also, if a little boy wants an Easy Bake Oven or a doll, the other boys will tease him mercilessly. "It`s a girl toy!" His father may even forbid him having such things or punish him for wanting them. Yet, it`s okay for a little girl to have Hot Wheels or a little fishing pole or any other "boy" toys.

As adults, all you hear about is how much females are oppressed. Yet... are we really in need of such a liberation? Women can wear men`s clothes, do what would be traditionally considered men`s work, raise children alone, act masculine, etc. Women are encouraged to do so and it is rewarded. We elevate them to the status of men. We rise up to be equal to them.

Yet, men... oh men are only allowed to be masculine. Men can be feminine, but it is looked down upon. A little boy shouldn`t endeavor to be a stay at home dad, nor a nurse, nor a kindergarten teacher. Sure, they are becoming acceptable... but they still carry a negative stigma. Men, in fact, need to be liberated! They can`t embrace their "feminine" characteristics or else they`ll be called a faggot or weak. A man is demoted to a woman`s status.

Everything has a gender connotation from colors, to music, to cars. Women couldn`t care less about them, though. A woman can drive a Volkswagon Bug just as easily as a Ford F1-50. Men can`t do that, not without being made fun of, anyway. Women can "cross over" the gender lines but men cannot. Women are free to live in a man`s world, but men can`t live in a woman`s world.

Am I the only one who sees that there`s something wrong there?

I don`t know, maybe I`m rambling, but it just bugs me.

Stay safe,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Creepy Moment

Two posts in one day? Wow, I`m on a roll. I promise this one isn`t as emo as the last one.

Random side note: there are 3 different kinds of sirens going off outside my window--at least one police car, a fire truck and an ambulance. Thanks to my wonderful university, I can identify the emergency vehicle by its siren. I wonder what`s going down.

Back on topic: I had the creepiest encounter ever last night. I was watching the newest upload from Marble Hornets and as soon as the Slender Man appeared in the distortion on the video, the rain smacked really hard on my window. Needless to say, I was scared stiff. I got up and checked my window to see the storm.

The Chancellor`s building is right across from mine and in the 3rd floor window I saw someone. It was the silhouette of a guy peeking out from presumably a corner. It was kind of dark and rainy but it looked like he was bald.

I stepped back and was about to go to bed and pretend it never happened when I thought "Well maybe it`s my imagination and it`s really just nothing." I looked back and it was gone.

Either I`m being stalked by the Slender Man or janitors stay way later than I thought they did.

Stay safe,

Depressing Moments

So I got my microorganism wrong in microbiology... all because of some OF Glucose test. It looked negative, but I guess it wasn`t and lead me down the wrong path on the flow chart. So my lab professor is going to give me (and others like me) partial credit based on what tests we read correctly. I should have known it was too easy to be correct.

I have a headache. I`ve had one for about 3 days now. This is so frustrating. I want to do well in microbiology but... I just suck. I can`t do anything. I feel so hopeless.

Things like this make me wonder if I`m really cut out for CLSC. I mean, if I can`t even identify a microbe... how will I identify an abnormality in a patient`s sample?

I feel like a failure.

Mom thinks I ought to talk to a therapist. Apparently I inherited a possible anxiety disorder from her. Fuck that. I`m not going to cry to some shrink who`s paid to pretend to care about me. I already did that, remember? It only made things worse. Last time I was put on meds that made me feel empty... which is a thousand times worse. I`m not gonna go talk to some doctor who only sees me as a cash cow and will want to push prescriptions on me.

Besides, if I have to talk to a shrink... how will I ever amount to anything? I really will be a failure, then. How would John be able to love someone who can`t even handle her day-to-day emotions without medication and therapy? I couldn`t get a job. Who would hire some freak who can`t function without meds?

No. I won`t talk to a "professional". The only "professional" I need to speak with is probably my professor. Then I could at least find a way to stop sucking at everything I attempt to do in class.

Stay Safe,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Frustrating Moments

And by "frustrating", I mean I want to tear my hair out of my head. I`ve been having an overall crappy day and the last thing I really wanted was registration issues. The grammar in that sentence is horrific. I have run out of fucks to give.

Anyway, it all started last night when I literally could not sleep. I was trying to engage in quiet activities (like doodling and watching TV) so as not to wake my fiance. My attempts were about as effective as a Magikarp using splash against Mew Two. For those who didn`t get the reference--I mean it failed miserably. He got all snippy and I got all snippy and we just decided that he should sleep before it got uglier. I ended up staying up til like 3AM before I passed out.

This morning I went to Sociology and we had a GA filling in for our regular teacher. She attempted to get us to have an active discussion about gender, gender roles and stereotypes, and the like. It was like pulling teeth. I tried to ask pertinent questions but the rest of the class just sat there with deadpan looks on their faces. I felt a bit sorry for the poor girl, but at least we got out 10 minutes early. (Note: this is the highlight of the day so far)

In music appreciation I came as close as I have ever come to just smacking someone. Let me paint you a picture of this class: It`s roughly 200 people in a concert hall. Concert halls have uncomfortable chairs, no room, and no tiny desk thing on the arm of the chairs so we can take notes. They also have excellent acoustics. Out of the, say, 175 that showed up today... like half of them were hacking up a goddamn lung--including the girl who sits right beside me. Cue headache.

I`m not trying to be mean but the girl on the other side of me is what some might call "big boned". She slouches down in her chair and takes up more space than is really available (picture how wanna-be gangsters sit in their chairs). Today she would. Not. Stop. FIDGETING. She would sigh loudly, tap her pencil incessantly, move around in her chair, tap her feet, and bitch to her friend that the class is a waste of time. I was so close to telling her where the door was. If the class is a waste then why bother coming? Not only that, she stank. Like bad. Like she hadn`t showered in a week. Then, when the professor dismissed class, I bent down to put my stuff in my purse. This process takes less than 30 seconds. This girl nearly stepped on me trying to get out.

Um, excuse me! There is hardly enough room between the rows for my legs, you can`t get around me, and for the love of God if you try and trample me again, things will get ugly. You can wait 2 seconds while I pack my stuff. Pardon me for not being rude and packing up 10 minutes before she finishes the lecture.

After class I went to lunch spilled teriyaki sauce on my cute pink shirt. Then I found out that the meat in my stir fry was just clumps of fat. Ew.

So after lunch I try to take a nap in my room and--just my luck--I can`t sleep. Once I finally manage to get comfy and shut my eyes my phone goes off, informing me that I need to register for my classes.

And NOW I`m having problems registering. The head of the CLSC department sent emails to We Chosen Few telling us what to register for. It`s a pretty strict schedule and you can`t exactly deviate from it or else you`ll be a semester behind. Lucky me, there`s a time conflict with Bacteriology I + lab and Hematology I + lab. I sent an email to the Dept. Head asking what I should do--since I REALLY can`t afford to be a semester behind.

Oh, and I have a test at 6:30 tonight.


Friday, March 18, 2011

A Sacred and an Exciting Moment

So today was basically amazing. I went to see the visiting Tibetan Monks` Closing Ceremony and procession to Town Commons to disperse the Medicine Buddha mandala sand in to the Tar River as a sacred blessing on the land.

It was so gorgeous. The mandala itself was made by the visiting monks over the course of 3 days. It was made in 6 steps (over a total of 5 days).

Step 1 was the Opening Ceremony: The monks begin the mandala sand painting with a ceremony of chants, music and mantra recitation for blessing the cite to make it suitable for creating the mandala.

Step 2 was the Drawing of the Lines: After the opening ceremony, the monks start drawing the line design for the mandala. This is very exacting work based on sacred geometry as presented in the ancient scripture. The process takes about three hours to complete.

Step 3 was the Mandala Construction: Throughout its creation, the monks pour millions of grains of sand from traditional metal funnels called chakpur. The finished mandala is approximately five feet by five feet in size and takes three to five days of work.

Step 4 was the Mandala Completion: The monks conclude their creation of the sand mandala with a consecration ceremony to request the continuous blessings of the invoked deities of the mandala.

Step 5 was Dismantling the Mandala: During the ceremony, the monks dismantle the mandala, sweeping up the colored sands to symbolize the impermanence of all that exists. Some of the sand can be distributed to the guests observing the ceremony.

Step 6 was Dispersal of the Sand: The remaining sand is carried in a procession by the monks to the nearest moving body of water. After a brief water ceremony, the sand is poured into the water in order to purify the land and carry its blessings through the water`s cycle (water, evaporation, clouds, rain).

I unfortunately only saw Steps 4-6 since I was busy for the opening ceremony and drawing of the lines. I took pictures of the Closing ceremony, but not of the Sand Dispersal. It was gorgeous and sunny outside, which made it impossible to see the screen on my phone so I could take pictures. I did manage to get video of it, though.

My phone takes about 10min of video at a time, so it`s fragmented, but I did get lots of parts of the ceremony on my phone. I`ll be uploading them to facebook eventually. I would now but I can`t find my phone`s USB cord so I can`t transfer the videos to my laptop.

Here are some pictures:

The entire mandala

Mandala and Shrine

Detail shot of the mandala. I stress that this is HAND POURED SAND.

More mandala close up.

The monks and the mandala.

The destroyed mandala.

My Medicine Buddha sand.

All this lasted from noon til 2pm. It was such an amazing experience--I`m so glad I got to have this opportunity.

Oh, and one more thing...

I GOT ACCEPTED INTO MY MAJOR! I`m so, so excited. I got the email right after the ceremony ended. It`s like the Medicine Buddha knew I was waiting on news and made it so that I got it today.

Today was such a good day. I`m going to Chili`s with Jaimi and Cori to celebrate tonight. ;)

Stay safe and enjoy the little moments.

Just A Moment

It`s currently 1:25 in the morning. Despite my AC being on, my room is too warm and I`m writing by the ever-constant light of my desk lamp (currently across the room, as I am in bed), the television (which is never turned off) and with my laptop`s mic on mute.

Some of that probably sounds a bit odd so I`ll explain. The light is on because while I am afraid of the dark, I cannot sleep when the entire room is lit up by the overhead light. Also, said overhead light is a fluorescent light and, by the very nature of fluorescent lights, it`s ineveryway ugly.

I`m afraid of the dark for two reasons: creepypasta and the Slender Man. I have already discussed the Slender Man and I wouldn`t advise you to read any creepypasta unless you have a high tolerance to frightening (realistic) stories. The only time I can sleep with the lights off is when I`m sharing a bed with my fiance.

Yes, when I go to his house we share the same bed. Not so at my own house because my parents have stricter rules. I think mostly its because of a double standard for sons and daughters. As their son, my soon to be parents in law, trust my fiance with me. Parents know their sons and so seem to be more lenient with allowing them to have the door shut/sleepover in the same bed. My parents, however, have a daughter (me) and inherently distrust every male around me. Hence the separation. Also, he couldn`t sleep upstairs in my room anyway since there`s A) only one shower up there and B) we have to consider my sister`s comfort, too. She wouldn`t want to have a man up there when she`s exiting the shower in her towel or something.

Back on topic.

As for the TV always being on, its something my ex-roommate and I did to deter people from messing around our room when we were both in class. We left it on so it sounded like people were in there and they wouldn`t screw around or possibly try to break in. I do it now for the same reason, but leave it on at night because I don`t particularly enjoy the quiet. At home I usually keep my iPod on or camp out in the living room under the guise of falling asleep on the couch.

My mic is muted because my fiance and I sleep with skype on. Its a comfort thing for both of us. I`m prone to insomnia and nightmares and it`s nice to wake up and see his face if I`m frightened. It makes him easily accessible to me when I`m upset--I can simply call his name and he`ll be awake. It comforts him for the same reason--if I am scared or upset he can be there for me in real time. I have the mic muted so I don`t wake him with my typing.

Honestly, he doesn`t even know this exists and I would like to keep it that way. I`m not leading some secret internet life or doing anything bad, per say, I just like having something that is entirely mine. No friends besides the twins know about this, so it isn`t like I`m excluding him from this and letting everyone else in like some malicious inside joke. It`s not that complicated. I simply wanted a place to be able to record my thoughts and have it be entirely, 100% mine.

He is my friend on facebook and deviantART (my other social networking sites). That is perfectly fine and I like it that way. The only problem is that facebook is known to cause problems in young relationships. It has before between us and has since caused me to reevaluate how I act online.

I`m a naturally friendly person. I wasn`t for a good chunk of my life, but since highschool I have come more into my own and I am a bit of an optimist. I`m quick to trust people and since I never fake who I am (online or elsewhere) I don`t usually expect anyone else to be fake either. I naively posted pictures of my real face on deviantART and had the tendency to "friend" someone if they had enough friends in common with me. My fiance pointed out (rather badly at first) that my outlook on the internet and, as a result of that outlook, my actions might put me at risk for real life danger.

In fact, on deviantART it has happened once on my current account and has partially caused me to deactivate my other accounts. Why? Because I`m too friendly and males online tend to perceive it as flirting. One male on my current account not only harassed me, but after I blocked him, harassed my fiance as well. We both have him blocked and it seems as if he has given up on me. I took down all my photos that had me in them and have since focused on my writing and drawing skills. I sometimes take pictures of things around me, but I currently lack a proper camera so the pictures are of poor quality.

As for facebook, I don`t have many friends at all and have since deleted most of my male friends if only because I don`t really talk to them nor care much about their updates. In fact, most of them were less friends and more "oh, that one guy in my graduating class." Others I deleted because I knew they had crushes on me and I figured it would be kinder to simply unfriend them (with an explanation) than subject them to seeing lovey posts to and from my fiance.

Don`t take it the wrong way. He isn`t controlling me and he isn`t abusive. Sure, he might go about some things the wrong way but overall he really is just trying to protect me from myself. More specifically, my tendency to trust first, question later.

I personally think part of the differences in our thought patterns comes from the age difference between us. I am 20, he is 22. Two years may seem small, but in terms of brain maturity it`s huge. I`ll be the first to admit I can`t quite think ahead enough to the consequences of my actions sometimes. He can do that much better than I can--because his brain is simply more developed (more "adult") than mine is. It isn`t sexist, its simple biological fact.

I feel like I`m rambling and I probably am. Oh well, pressing on!

Why did I start this blog? Well I`m not sure what the "consequences" of this may be (darn you, immature brain) so that`s part of it. I want to see where this goes. Another reason I mentioned is that I want something that is mine. Kind of like a diary or something. I can post my unedited thoughts here and not worry about my friends/family/fiance thinking ill of me or getting their feelings hurt or thinking I`m a nut.

I don`t have to worry about watchers waiting for updates (speaking of, I haven`t posted on dA lately and now I feel bad for leaving them hanging). I don`t have to censor myself for my family--especially my more religious and politically minded family who would have an attack if they knew where I slept when I visited John. I don`t have to edit myself for my friends whose feelings might get hurt by some of the things I may post. Sometimes a girl needs to vent, you know? I don`t need to edit myself for my fiance because I know he would worry about me. Again: venting.

Not to say that I don`t appreciate followers and comments--because I do.

My updates won`t be philosophical or have some sort of convoluted story. I may update with some rant, or about CLSC, or even about the Slender Man (I toyed with the idea of making this a Slenderblog but decided against it for my own sanity--but yes, I am still entrenched within the ARG`s and, as such, the mythos is a part of my life). I am the same as everyone else, blindly stumbling through life and trying to make the best of the hand Fate has dealt me.

This is about me. My thoughts. My feelings. My life. I have no message to send to the world aside from: I exist. I am here. I have a voice. And I type in run-on sentences.

Stay safe and enjoy the little moments.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Frightening Moments

Today is my one year anniversary with my amazing and wonderful fiance. I should be excited, I should be happy... but a deep fear is preventing me from feeling the proper joy for this occasion.

I am not doing well in 2 classes.

By "not doing well" I mean that I am failing. One is a stupid class that I should be acing and I don`t know why I`m not. The other is a very, very important class and I need to up my game or else I may face dire consequences.

Music is a class I can easily bring my grade up in. I have enough quizzes left that I can pull it right back up to where it ought to be.

Microbiology lab on the other hand... that one is a lot harder than I expected. I can bring it up... but it will be very hard. I trip up on stupid things--like second guessing myself on quizzes--and it`s killing me. I can`t fail this. I have to get at least a B... in 5 weeks I need to pull that failing grade up to a passable level. I could accept a C, but right now a B is my goal. I hope I did okay on the midterm, and I`m doing unknowns right now so I hope I do okay on those too... I`ve answered all my post lab questions and double-checked them so if my TA asks for them, I`m covered.

I just need to buckle down and stop doubting myself and my answers before it kills me. Even though I know my fiance will never be mad at me for not doing well... I just couldn`t forgive myself if I didn`t pass a science class.

Stay safe and enjoy the little moments,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sad Moments

I`m alive, after 10 days of complete radio silence, I am... alive. I guess you can call it that.

Some would call me melodramatic for carrying on like this, but god damn it, it hurts and I`ll cry if I want to. You see, dear readers, I just did perhaps one of the hardest things I have to do. Every time I do it, it hurts so bad and I cry for hours afterwards... and I have done it 5 times. Whoops, 6 if you count this time. What did I do?

I had to leave my fiance at an airport. He lives 471 miles away from me at the moment. Unorthodox, I know, but it can`t be helped. The details don`t matter anyway, all that matters to me is that he`s on an airplane flying away from me and I`m stuck here. It doesn`t matter that at 7ish, he`ll be 414 miles away from me (as I have to leave home and go back to college tonight)--because 414 miles is still too far.

If my memory is right, and when it comes to him it usually is, I won`t be able to hold him in my arms again for 131 days. That`s not until July 22.

His plane is about to take off, he just texted that his phone has be off now. I was almost composed but now... God, I miss him.

I have so much to do today but I can`t even bring myself to leave the guest room where he stayed. I`m sitting here on the bed he slept in, holding the penguin plush he left behind, watching My Neighbor Totoro and crying my eyes out.

He didn`t like My Neighbor Totoro, but then again it is kind of a girl movie.

I miss him so much. It doesn`t matter how many times one of us has to fly away, it still hurts the same every time. I wish we had our own place yet, so he would never have to leave. I miss him... it still smells like him in this room, on all the things he touched... my hands feel so empty. My arms are empty.

Just 131 more days until I can enjoy some more little moments with him again.

Stay safe and enjoy the little moments.