Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Frightening Moments

Today is my one year anniversary with my amazing and wonderful fiance. I should be excited, I should be happy... but a deep fear is preventing me from feeling the proper joy for this occasion.

I am not doing well in 2 classes.

By "not doing well" I mean that I am failing. One is a stupid class that I should be acing and I don`t know why I`m not. The other is a very, very important class and I need to up my game or else I may face dire consequences.

Music is a class I can easily bring my grade up in. I have enough quizzes left that I can pull it right back up to where it ought to be.

Microbiology lab on the other hand... that one is a lot harder than I expected. I can bring it up... but it will be very hard. I trip up on stupid things--like second guessing myself on quizzes--and it`s killing me. I can`t fail this. I have to get at least a B... in 5 weeks I need to pull that failing grade up to a passable level. I could accept a C, but right now a B is my goal. I hope I did okay on the midterm, and I`m doing unknowns right now so I hope I do okay on those too... I`ve answered all my post lab questions and double-checked them so if my TA asks for them, I`m covered.

I just need to buckle down and stop doubting myself and my answers before it kills me. Even though I know my fiance will never be mad at me for not doing well... I just couldn`t forgive myself if I didn`t pass a science class.

Stay safe and enjoy the little moments,


  1. You can do it! don't let it get you down. in 6 years it won't matter :) no matter what you are an amazing woman.
