Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Frustrating Moments

And by "frustrating", I mean I want to tear my hair out of my head. I`ve been having an overall crappy day and the last thing I really wanted was registration issues. The grammar in that sentence is horrific. I have run out of fucks to give.

Anyway, it all started last night when I literally could not sleep. I was trying to engage in quiet activities (like doodling and watching TV) so as not to wake my fiance. My attempts were about as effective as a Magikarp using splash against Mew Two. For those who didn`t get the reference--I mean it failed miserably. He got all snippy and I got all snippy and we just decided that he should sleep before it got uglier. I ended up staying up til like 3AM before I passed out.

This morning I went to Sociology and we had a GA filling in for our regular teacher. She attempted to get us to have an active discussion about gender, gender roles and stereotypes, and the like. It was like pulling teeth. I tried to ask pertinent questions but the rest of the class just sat there with deadpan looks on their faces. I felt a bit sorry for the poor girl, but at least we got out 10 minutes early. (Note: this is the highlight of the day so far)

In music appreciation I came as close as I have ever come to just smacking someone. Let me paint you a picture of this class: It`s roughly 200 people in a concert hall. Concert halls have uncomfortable chairs, no room, and no tiny desk thing on the arm of the chairs so we can take notes. They also have excellent acoustics. Out of the, say, 175 that showed up today... like half of them were hacking up a goddamn lung--including the girl who sits right beside me. Cue headache.

I`m not trying to be mean but the girl on the other side of me is what some might call "big boned". She slouches down in her chair and takes up more space than is really available (picture how wanna-be gangsters sit in their chairs). Today she would. Not. Stop. FIDGETING. She would sigh loudly, tap her pencil incessantly, move around in her chair, tap her feet, and bitch to her friend that the class is a waste of time. I was so close to telling her where the door was. If the class is a waste then why bother coming? Not only that, she stank. Like bad. Like she hadn`t showered in a week. Then, when the professor dismissed class, I bent down to put my stuff in my purse. This process takes less than 30 seconds. This girl nearly stepped on me trying to get out.

Um, excuse me! There is hardly enough room between the rows for my legs, you can`t get around me, and for the love of God if you try and trample me again, things will get ugly. You can wait 2 seconds while I pack my stuff. Pardon me for not being rude and packing up 10 minutes before she finishes the lecture.

After class I went to lunch spilled teriyaki sauce on my cute pink shirt. Then I found out that the meat in my stir fry was just clumps of fat. Ew.

So after lunch I try to take a nap in my room and--just my luck--I can`t sleep. Once I finally manage to get comfy and shut my eyes my phone goes off, informing me that I need to register for my classes.

And NOW I`m having problems registering. The head of the CLSC department sent emails to We Chosen Few telling us what to register for. It`s a pretty strict schedule and you can`t exactly deviate from it or else you`ll be a semester behind. Lucky me, there`s a time conflict with Bacteriology I + lab and Hematology I + lab. I sent an email to the Dept. Head asking what I should do--since I REALLY can`t afford to be a semester behind.

Oh, and I have a test at 6:30 tonight.


1 comment:

  1. -hug- My dear, I have had those days and I commend you for not chainsawing the whole school. I love you. Don't let it get to you....welll ya know what I mean. I'll say a little prayer for ya! <3
